Yes, Paul and I have been officially adopted. We said this wouldn't happen. We said we wouldn't allow ourselves to become attached to an animal that would depend on us for food, shelter, love........but, alas, it is so. Buster first appeared at our back door months ago. No offense if your name is Buster, but his big ears and not all that attractive appearance led me to call him "Buster." It was a rainy day and coolish (well, coolish if you weigh less than 10 pounds). He sat there and shook all day. When it quit raining, he left! We had printed "lost dog" notices to post on our road, but never got them up. A day or two later, we saw him at the house on the adjacent property, hanging with their two dogs. He seemed content and would always run out and bark at us when we passed. And, there he stayed until earlier this week.
Who knows why he decided to roam again. Perhaps, Buck and Cowboy next door got tired of him stealing their food and ran him off. Maybe he just got a wild hair and decided to take a road trip. Anyway, he appeared and the rest is history.
He now has two homemade beds - one for cool weather and one for really cool weather. Please don't tell him that one is just a cardboard box and one is an old recycle bin with a hole cut out for a door. It is quite stylishly lined with carpet to make it warmer. And, tonight, he's sleeping in the laundry room. Don't think I'm ready to look out and see a Buster popsicle.
He eats dog food, has a chew toy and gets lots of love and attention. I am, however, officially putting this in writing. HE WILL NOT BECOME A HOUSE DOG, UNDERSTAND? Did you hear that, Buster?
ps If he doesn't stop whining and barking in the laundry room, he may have to stay outside - even if it is below freezing!
Buster is PRECIOUS and I can't wait to meet him and snuggle him up!